Implicit Enhancement with Example


 Implicit Enhancement:

Implicit point is available at the starting or at the last of the Program,Sub routines, Function Modules etc. We will create the Implicit Implementation using those points


 Changing the Title of the Presentation Layer while using the Function Module 'F4_FILENAME'.

1.Go to T-code 'SE37'.

2.Execute the FM 'F4_FILENAME'.


Now the title is 'File Select.'. We are changing this title to 'Choose file'. 

3.The Title is coming from the FM 'WS_FILENAME_GET'.

Steps to create Implicit Enhancement:

1.Go to T-code 'SE37'.


3.Click on 'Display'. on 'Edit'.

5.Click on 'Enhancement Operations'. 

6.Click on 'Show Implicit Enhancement Options'.


7.Click on the 'Enhance' Icon. 

8.Right click on the implicit points ("""""""""""""""""""""")

9.Click on 'Enhancement Operations'.

10.Click on ' Create Implementation'. on 'Code'.

12. Click on 'Create Enhancement Implementation' icon.

13.Enter Enh.Impl. (eg:Z_TEST) and enter short text.

14.Press Enter. 

 15.Write the below code.


16.check, save and activate.

17.Now Execute FM 'F4_FILENAME'.


Title changed to 'Choose file'.

Note:If you are doing it for practice purpose then just 'undo Implementation' after practice.

 You can do the practice with Custom programs also with the above steps.


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